First time parents must get informed about how child development works. While it is true that each child develops at his/her own pace, there are signs you can monitor to make sure your little one is on the right track. Development begins before a kid is even born. In the first week of gestation, a child’s neurological system starts to take shape, and by 17 weeks, a fetus can even hear. So, it may be a good idea to start signing or reading to your baby way early on. However, the real work begins after your precious one is born. There are activities that you and your baby can engage in to improve development. Let’s discuss what you can do to promote your kid’s healthy development:
Connect with your little one
Infants react positively to human contact. Maintaining that contact will help you connect with your baby and vice versa. While you are with your little one, hold him/her close, sing to him/her, and make other gestures that will stimulate sight and hearing. Research shows that staying connected with parents help children develop language skills and motor functions rather quickly. You can also monitor your baby’s sight. See how he/she reacts to changes in light, scenery and faces. Research shows that infants love designs and objects that resemble the human face. It is also important to smile at your baby and try to make him/her laugh.
Excite the baby’s senses
During the second and third months, infants start to explore and learn about their environments. At this developmental stage, you should introduce your baby to different shapes and textures. Let him/her touch different kinds of surfaces, and expose him/her to different sights and smells. This type of exposure will help your child grow familiar with different aspects of his/her environment.
Give him/her ample tummy time
Before a child learns to walk, they learn to crawl. However, to make that happen, your baby first needs to spend time on his/her tummy. Child specialists say that this helps babies develop a strong body. If you want your child to develop motor skills appropriate for his/her age, initiate tummy time. You can start by placing your little one on your lap or chest. You can also hold him/her in your arms. Just when your baby learns to hold his/her head up, you can place a blanket on the floor, and place your baby on it. Babies often don’t enjoy tummy time. If you notice any sign of struggle or discomfort, you will know tummy time is over for the day.
Talk to your baby
To help your child develop language skills, you will need to start talking to him/her. During the first two months, you should start by imitating the sounds he/she makes. Start talking to your child using a soothing voice tone and exaggerated facial expressions, and see how he/she responds. When your child reaches the age of 4 to 5 months, you can start imitating the babbling sounds like “ba-ba”, “ga-ga”, “da-da” and so on. You should also address to your little one by his/her name.
Try these tips and see how your baby responds. Over the course of months and years, you will start noticing developmental changes. Monitor the changes, and consult your doctor if you see any worrying signs.
Courtesy: Houston Petting Zoo